You're Leaving Your Dream on the Table

By: Joe Weinrich // VP Stratosport Communications

Let me ask you this…

When is the last time you really took stock, and looked at your life or business and thought, “Wow, I am absolutely crushing it.”

Where every target you set, you hit.

Where every goal written down, became reality.

If you have to stop and THINK about the last time you were in this “zone” the next question I want you to ask yourself is this:


It is unacceptable to slug your way through life “wanting”  this and “hoping” for that. Winners are known for their adaptability and resiliency.

If something isn’t working or isn’t meeting its potential, these champions change their behavior to adjust trajectory.

If you’re stuck in a rut and you’ve been there for a while but aren’t taking BIG risks and making BIG moves to get UNSTUCK, you have a disease and the only cure is to back yourself into a corner where you MUST win.

To build a truly RESILIENT business, however, is what many agents (big or small) need to springboard them to their "perfect reality."

How many inbound lead streams do you have?

How many times do you have to contact a prospect before they book an appointment?

How much of your day is spent on scraping the bottom of the leads barrel?


If your answer to ANY of these questions was anything BELOW your ideal situation, why haven't you made an effort to change things?

When your business is built on getting people in the door, building a relationship with them, and fulfilling a need, yet you don't build more than one path for these people to get into your door, that's probably your biggest issue! (See, it's not that hard to take stock and counteract change.

So do me a favor-take stock. Write down your current (honest) state, and figure out what needs to change for you to grow to the person you want to be. But keep in mind, you’re reading this article for a reason…

You’re now part of our community for a reason…

And maybe that reason is right now. 

I want to make a special offer to you…

Not going to sell you something or coax an email out of you...I just want you to make the changes that you need to build yourself a firm, solid base to grow from. Make a change!

There are nearly infinite ways for you to to get to your goals faster than you think

In fact, once they take stock, most realtors realize they’re CLOSER than they think - they’re just missing a couple easy and simple things that are relatively quick to fix. And if you want, we'll even give you a hand.


It’s time to end the madness.

If something isn’t working, nothing is going to change until you do SOMETHING different.

This could be the first step.

Shoot me a text if you need some help: (913)-634-4437

Joe Weinrich

"Business owners perceive advertising as a cost/risk VERSUS an investment that can create new income streams at will. Their perception is incorrect..."