55 Realtor Posts for Social Media

By: Joe Weinrich // VP Stratosport Communications

Are you working on your social media strategy, but feel like you’re not seeing as many results as you could be having?

Social media is a fantastic way of getting in touch with past and present clients, as well as getting your name out there for new clients to discover you. Unfortunately, we see real estate agents making the same mistakes over and over:

  • They simply post their listings and hope for the best
  • They upload ad after ad without offering anything of value first
  • They only engage OTHER real estate agents instead of their prospects and clients

So if you want to take your social media game to the next level, here are 55 real estate post ideas for your social networks. We’re not focusing on any particular social network since most of these ideas could be used on just about any of them. So without further delay, let’s begin.

1. Create A Poll Or A Quiz

Polls and quizzes are extremely popular on social media. In fact, you can find a quiz for just about anything (i.e. “Which Doctor Seuss character are you?,” “Which state should you move to?”)

These drive a high level of engagement and provide plenty of excuses for people to procrastinate. So why not create your own quiz or poll? These could either be just a fun activity for your viewers or an opportunity to grow your contact database by offering the quiz answers or poll results in exchange for their email address and full name.

And depending on the quiz or poll you create, you could also get a deeper insight into what drives your audience, and how you can serve them better.

2. Share A Personal Real Estate Milestones

Are you celebrating your 5th anniversary as a real estate agent? Did you sell your first 100 properties? Share those milestones!

3. Share A Client’s Life Milestones

Did one of your clients get married recently? Do they have a child on the way? Were they able to sell their home and purchase a new one? Share those stories on social media (after asking for permission first of course).

4. Share A Video You Created

If you do content marketing (and if you’re not, you really should) why not share a video you’ve created recently?

This could be the first walkthrough of a property, a vlog in which you answer a common real estate question, or even just short highlights of the latest real estate training you’ve received.

In the example above, Danai Mattison shows us what the typical day of a real estate agent looks like. You could do the same as well.

5. Organize Regular Giveaways

Instead of having just a one-time-only event, you could have a monthly, or bi-monthly giveaway. This could be something as simple as a gift card, branded shirts, event tickets, etc.

You could even team up with a local business to make it happen and advertise to both of your circles of influence.

6. Retweet local news

Share a local news event, especially one that has to do with real estate and how it affects your local community. You can find local news on Google News, or by visiting a local newspaper or tv news website.

These local news stories could also be used as inspiration for blog posts as well, which you could then share on social media as well.

7. Ask questions

Want to know how your subscribers feel about a recent local development? Ask them. This could lead to an interesting discussion, and additional opportunities to be seen as the go-to local expert.

8. Share a virtual home showing/open house video recap

In our current COVID-19 world, virtual open houses have become a necessity, rather than a luxury.

Did you have a successful virtual open house recently? Post it on your social media channels. You could share a recap video of the event, and/or include a recorded walkthrough of the property.

9. Ask for feedback on one of your listings' staging

Share your latest staged home, and ask for honest feedback. This gives you an opportunity to get valuable feedback, and show off some of your staging skills (while at the same time letting your subscribers know that you really care about the quality of your staging.

10. Answer common buyers and sellers’ questions

Show off your real estate expertise by inviting your subscribers to post their real estate questions, and answer them promptly.

11. Share someone else’s videos

Share a fun or informative video about real estate that your subscribers can enjoy. This video could be from a real estate coach, a home stager, or even a funny or unusual news story.

12. Share the charitable causes you support

Show your charitable side to your subscribers, and bring some additional attention to a cause that you support. Many social networks even allow you to create a "donate now" button that lets you create charity drives automatically. A win-win situation!

13. Share price reductions

If one of your listings just had a price reduction, get some extra eyeballs on it by letting everyone in your social network circles know.

14. Run a contest

Just like polls and quizzes, there are countless kinds of contests you could run to engage your subscribers. From who can grow the best vegetable garden, who has the most adorable family pet, or who can put together the most impressive DIY home renovation.

For prizes, it could be something as simple as a gift card, a cash price, or something related to the contest. The sky's the limit here!

15. Post new listings

A common mistake that real estate agents make on social media is that they use it as just another place in which to dump their listings.

This is a bad idea because the real value of social media is how it facilitates SOCIAL interactions. It makes it possible to speak to people directly, build relationships and create trust in your personal brand.

But that doesn’t mean you can share a few listings here and there. Make your listings no more than 10-15% of all your social media posts, and prioritize listings that are particularly good deals.

16. Share fun facts about your area

What makes your city unique? Are there any unique monuments, museums or landmarks everyone needs to experience? How examples of unique local cuisine you absolutely recommend? What about interesting plants, animals, or vistas not found anywhere else?

17. Post pictures of neighborhood amenities, features and highlights

When someone buys a home, in a way, they are also buying the neighborhood. So why not highlight some of the most outstanding features that one of your listings’ neighborhood has to offer?

Is there a new athletic field, dog park, or public garden in your area? Share it!

18. Post funny memes and gifs

Everyone on social media loves sharing memes. Why not share some real estate memes, funny pictures relevant to your local area, or gifs that are inside jokes among your subscribers?

19. Tell a customer success story

Everyone loves a success story, especially now when we hear nothing but bad news on tv and the internet. Why not share a story about how you helped one of your clients get the home of their dreams thanks to you?

Of course, make sure you ask that client for permission first and take lots of pictures of the entire process.

20. Shine the spotlight on a local business or two

As a real estate agent striving to become the go-to local expert, a very effective way to increase your perception as the local expert is to reach out to local business owners, and feature them in one of your posts.

You could include a short blurb about what services they offer, maybe a short interview with the owner, and their address and service hours.

If some of those local businesses offer services or products related to home improvement, even better.

21. Share home-buying tips for first-time buyers

To whet buyers’ appetites, and ease some of their fears, share some juicy tips on how to get the best deals as a first-time buyer. You could even add a call to action that takes your prospects to a landing page where they could download a first-time buyers guide.

22. Share infographics

Infographics let you pack a ton of information into a single, attractive image. Not only that, but they are perfect for sharing on social media, and sending some traffic towards your website.

23. Share a list of free activities in the area

Are there any art festivals coming soon? Any interesting landmarks everyone needs to check out? How about the top 10 hiking trails nearby? Make a list of these and other free activities and share it on your social media accounts.

24. Post a weekly or recurring series

You could plan to write a series of articles on a specific topic, share each one weekly, and hype the next article in the meantime.

25. Share home decoration inspiration

Spend some time curating your own home decoration inspiration photos on Pinterest, and then share your boards on all of your social media platforms.

26. Highlight glowing customer’s testimonials to boost your social proof

Customer testimonials give evidence of your skills as a real estate agent professional and make it easier for its readers to trust you more.

27. Share your latest blog post

If you’ve just finished your latest blogging masterpiece, share it on your social media. You don’t need to share the entire article.

In fact, it’s better if you don’t. Instead, share a short synopsis of it, plus an image, and then share a link to the article for your viewers to click on.

28. Share company news

Share any interesting developments happening in your company, such as a new picnic, new training, new charity drives, etc.

29. Share customer-created content to build a community

If one of your clients has an Etsy store or offers a product or service, why not feature it?

30. Share design and renovation tips

Homeowners are always on the lookout for new ways to increase their home’s value or make it into a cozier environment. Why not give them a hand with that and share some renovations that will actually increase their home’s value?

31. Share seasonal home tips

Each season offers a new opportunity to change some wall colors, decorate for an upcoming holiday, or simply an opportunity to remodel your living room. Share some of your favorite home decoration ideas for each season or holiday.

32. Remind your audience about your current discounts and special offers

Are you running any special promotions? Make sure you remind your social media subscribers.

33. Promote local events you’re hosting or attending

Most major cities have an official website where they advertise upcoming events. Why not take a look at them, find some interesting ones, and let your viewers know?

And if you're directly contributing to some of these events, even better.

34. Show DIY home improvement projects

With many states still in some form of lockdown, it’s now the perfect opportunity to do some home improvement and do some DIY projects.

35. Create a carousel

Most social networks have options to create an “image carousels.” These can be used to tell a longer story by means of images or to display a multiple part ad.

36. Make a list of farmer’s markets, and alternatives to big-box grocery stores

Farmer’s markets are perfect places to buy the freshest groceries in town. And by promoting your local farmer’s markets you’ll be helping your local economy.

37. Share content from local experts and influencers

Cooperate with local experts and influencers, and share some of their content. This works especially well if you have an agreement with them and have them share some of your content as well.

38. Use "@ mentions" to grab your past and current client's attention

Whenever possible or appropriate, @ mention a client. That way you’ll encourage them to share your post, and you’ll engage that client directly.

39. Share national industry news

Have the feds lowered interest rates again? Are there any new government programs that can make it easier to get a mortgage? Share it.

40. Feature a member of your team

Talk about the successes and milestones that a team member has just accomplished recently.

41. Share the most expensive listings in your city

Which one of us hasn’t imagined what it would be like to live in a mansion? Why not feature the most expensive listings in your city, and encourage your viewers to imagine what it would be like to live there?

42. Welcome a new team member

Introduce a new team member and share some of the qualities they bring to the team.

43. Share a motivational quote

They may feel cheesy at times, but motivational quotes are still quite popular and attract lots of likes and traffic.

44. Offer a thank you note

Showing your gratitude on social media will help endear you with your subscribers, and will encourage them to reciprocate.

45. Share fun facts about your area

What makes your city unique? Are there any interesting plants, animals, or beautiful vistas that everyone needs to experience?  

46. Show historical pictures of your area

Before and after pictures are eye-catching and help bring a sense of pride in your community.

47. Feature some pets

Show pictures of pets that your new home buyers have.

48. Share a fun real estate fact

Share interesting factoids about real estate in your area, or even in your state. Did anyone trade a mine for a home? Do you have the oldest gated community in the US?

49. Highlight some local good news

Share the latest feel-good local real estate story.

50. Feature one of your most popular blog posts

If one of your blog posts is bringing a lot of traffic or is getting shared a lot, why not feature it again on our social media?

51. Share your recommended books

Share your top ten list of books you recommend anyone to read. If you want some ideas, here are two lists we have published.

52. Share home exercising ideas

Share ways to stay active at home even in the middle of lockdown/social distancing.

53. Share staging ideas

Share strategies you follow to make your homes look amazing when you stage them.

54. Share the latest smart home appliance

Share a video, picture, short review of the latest must-get smart appliance for your home.

55. Post advice on what NOT to buy

Showcase common pitfalls that buyers need to be wary of when buying a new home.

Shoot me a text if you need some help: (913)-634-4437

Joe Weinrich